Inspired by Japanese cartoons, Akane365 is a collection of generative NFTs.
As part of our 2022 Roadmap, we've set out to launch an NFT game first.
In order to continue building our community, we are releasing new NFTs.
Our 2022 Roadmap
1. is now open
2. Twitter has 10,000 followers.
3. Pre-Private NFT sale of 0.04ETH will be held in May.
4. The first picture of Akane Token was taken.
5. We reached 15,000 followers on Twitter
6. The price of a private NFT sale is currently set at 0.08 ETH.
7. Akane Token picture
8. Twitter had 20,000 followers at the time of this writing
9. It's going to be a big promotion in the 2022 Summer
10. There was a public sale of 0.15 ETH.
11. Create a Discord account and join the channel
12. The airdrop of Akane Tokens
13. Date to Earn is the Beta version of the game
14. Staking begins
15. To be unveiled will be the Roadmap for 2023
It's great to have you aboard. Twitter will be our primary method of disseminating new information.
We appreciate your support and hope you will join us!