Anasazi Collection
Anasazi Collection
May 13, 2022 - May 20, 2022
Blockchain: Cronos Cronos

The Anasazi Collection consists of 6,600 individual skulls collected from around the American continent and is now housed on the blockchain. Some of history's most important moments are captured in these works. For collectors, the objects are ideal because of their historical significance.

Our NFT holders will receive 40% of the earnings via staking capabilities, allowing them to earn passive income.

In exchange for an NFT, you'll get access to the creator's courses and workshops. The NFTs can also be used as coupons to get big discounts on the goods and services of our business partners, which is why we give them out.

In our next phase, we'll be integrating Metaverse/gaming elements as well, and we'll be looking for new methods to benefit our community.

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