May 08, 2022 - May 15, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

ApeU is the first web3 university with no central administration. Using the potential of Web3 to encourage knowledge sharing and facilitate the free flow of information is its goal. Let's work together to create the first decentralized Web3 university!

One of ApeU's purposes is to address the problem of knowledge disparity. To realize the most public of aspirations, ApeU is devoted to establishing a decentralized knowledge-sharing platform that does not have a public character, regardless of whether you're an Ivy League professor or a 12-year-old youngster from a small African tribe.

Knowledge-sharing materials in a Web3 university should no longer be limited to the rigorous criteria of certification. Everyone should be able to show their skills in a non-centralized manner.

ApeU focuses on the most essential functionalities and demands for content producers based on simplicity, practicality, and intellectual property rights. Step-by-step, we'll take our community from Web2 to Web3. Corporations should be held accountable for their actions.

Our goal is to establish a new route in the Web3 world, and we never grow tired of stressing the importance of the community. Our first goal will always be to give content creators the tools they need to do their jobs.

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