Arrested Punks is a project that wants to change the criminal justice system and free people who aren't guilty of crimes from prison.
A mugshot, arrest information, criminal charges, and jail term are programmed to be assigned to 10,000 fictitious punks to symbolize real-world people behind bars for crimes they never committed. This illustrates the systemic inequalities in our legal system.
The initiative serves as a testament to the ability of NFTs to have a positive impact on society. The Arrested Punks initiative will be the first NFT to donate cash generated at mint + 50% of any royalties earned on secondary market sales to The Innocence Project in support of criminal justice reform. Because each NFT sale triggers a charitable donation, the proceeds in turn become a useful resource for the project.
As a non-profit organization, the Innocence Project works to clear the names of those who have been falsely imprisoned. Approximately 24,000 of the 2.4 million jailed people in the United States are acquitted!
Help us fight for changes to the justice system and free people who have been wrongly convicted by minting an Arrested Punk!