There are 10,000 dolls in Bitty Bobs, an exclusive NFT collection for women, women-identifying people, and men who support them, to stand strong in their femininity and power without apologizing.
All the dolls' looks are sexualized on purpose, and they're all bobbing their heads to placate someone who is annoying them. It is a powerful motion to bite your lips while you're in the middle of a debate. However, they aren't here to make your life easier; they're out to get you.
The diversity of Bitty Bobs' characters is one of the things that set it apart from other kid's cartoons. Thirty of the 10,000 dolls were identified as being SUPER RARE because of their unique characteristics. Ladies, LGBTQIA and BIPOC cultures are represented by these 30 dolls with characteristics ranging from bionic limbs to curvier women with stretch marks, to hairy armpits, to a lady pumping milk and more.
The goal of the collection is to empower and include women in the cryptosphere and non-fiat currency (NFT) sector, as well as to help them develop some necessary attitudes along the way.
Soon you'll be able to make money on OpenSea.