Cats & Dogs Mint!
Cats & Dogs Mint!
Oct 04, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022
Marketplace: Magic Eden Magic Eden
Blockchain: Solana Solana

Invest with confidence in our cutting-edge web game 3, developed by a world-class team with a proven track record in companies such as Disney, Forbes, and Gala Games. Our game has already garnered support from over 50 big venture capital funds and partners, collaborated with over 45 top projects, and has a massive following of over 600 influencers. With thousands of users already enjoying our tutorial game, we are gearing up to release the final version in the coming weeks. And unlike any other project out there, we are proud to be the ONLY and FIRST project with an NFT Price Insurance. With our Price Insurance, you can rest assured that you're protected in case the NFT price falls below the mint price, and you'll be able to recover 100% of your investment. So come and join us in this groundbreaking venture and experience the excitement and thrill of our web game 3 while enjoying the peace of mind of our NFT Price Insurance.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs are a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be exchanged for something else. They are created using blockchain technology, which ensures secure ownership and verification of ownership. NFTs have become increasingly popular as a way to collect and trade unique digital items, including artwork, music, and video game items.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Looking for a comprehensive NFT calendar that covers all the major blockchains? Look no further than RiseAngle NFT Calendar. Our NFT drop calendar features all the upcoming NFT drops and projects across all major blockchains, including ETH, Polygon, ADA, and Solana. With our easy-to-use NFT mint schedule, you can stay on top of the latest NFT drops and projects without ever missing a beat.

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