Jan 14, 2023 - Jan 20, 2023
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The significance of the number 3333 in the realm of Cyclopsia is rooted in an ancient legend. According to this legend, the Cyclopses created the first Cyclo, a creature that embodied pure mischief and chaos. As the first Cyclo wandered the realm, it divided into three separate entities, each of which represented a different facet of its mischievous nature. These three entities then proceeded to create 3333 additional Cyclos, each inheriting the same mischievous traits as their creators. Thus, the number 3333 represents the proliferation of mischievousness and chaos throughout Cyclopsia.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs are a type of digital asset that are unique and cannot be replicated or exchanged for something else. They are stored on a blockchain, which verifies the ownership and authenticity of the asset, making them highly collectible and valuable to collectors and investors alike. NFTs can represent anything from art and music to videos and tweets, and are often used as a new way for artists to monetize their work.


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