Decentralized Value Systems
Decentralized Value Systems
Mar 20, 2022 - Mar 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The modern economic construct in which prices are directly related to demand and desirability, which is referred to in the modern art world as the Decentralized Value Systems, was the subject of the project founded by contemporary artist duo Chow and Lin. The purpose of money is shifting in a world of virtuality. Throughout time, distance, and electrical pulses, the value was transformed into derivatives.

Individual Mantous occurs in three forms in the first series of the DVS NFT project: plain (80 units), silver (five units), and gold (five units) (3 units). Each unit indicates the species' relative abundance in nature. As a result of its more refined flour, White Mantou's in pre-industrial China was deemed more costly. Meanwhile, silver and gold have been discovered in their natural condition for millennia. 88, a palindromic and unreachable number, is provided in its entirety.

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