Delivery Truck Factory
Delivery Truck Factory
Apr 10, 2022 - Apr 17, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

10,000 NFTs live in Polygon as part of the Delivery Truck Factory. Players will be able to participate in future games and activities that are only available to those who own a vehicle.

Because each truck has a unique body, product or wheels and background that affects its stats.

Plan for Profitable Investment by Investors

Investors will be able to keep their profits and floor prices safe by changing the prices at each layer.

- 1 - 200 = 0.025 ETH

- 201 - 400 = 0.05 ETH

- 401 - 600 = 0.1 ETH

- 601 - 1,000 = 0.25 ETH

- 1,001 - 10,000 = 0.5 ETH


- Q4 2021 Begin the design of NFTs

- Q1 2022 Time to get the word out!

-Q2 2022 On April 10th, NFT will publish the first 1,000 delivery vehicles on OpenSea.

- On May 10th, we will publish the next 4,000 NFT Delivery trucks on OpenSea.

- On May 10th, we will publish the next 5,000 NFT Delivery trucks on OpenSea.

TBD - The initial release of the game.

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