Donny's Dinosaurs
Donny's Dinosaurs
Mar 26, 2022 - Apr 02, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 555 Donnys dinosaurs in this private collection, which is located at Polygon.

FixiaNFT’s work (10% of sales will be donated to charity)

We're a group!

What are Donny's interests?

Because each Donny is an original character, no other Donny will have the same set of accessories and colours. This is because each Donny is manufactured to order with a specific design in mind, so no two will be exactly the same.

What makes the Donnys so special?

Each Donny is unique, and the 555s that will be issued will be the same way. They will not be created using templates or codes, so no two will be exactly alike.


Start building NFT models on February 2, 2022.

On January 1st, 2022, I'm seeking a charity that can help me reach my target percentage of sales.

01/18/2022: Set up WP-OWNERS social networks and get the rewards

On January 27th, the year 2022, OpenSea will create a landing page collection.

Donny's Dinosaurs Mint in OpenSea on 11/02/2022.

There will be an eruption of dinosaurs in your heart and thoughts, even if you don't like punk or Bored Ape. I love the NFT collection.

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