FoodBots Project
FoodBots Project
Mar 25, 2022 - Apr 01, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

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What is the purpose of FoodBots?

Foodbots are hooligan bots fuelled by food that live on the Ethereum mainnet.

The collection includes 9,999 Foodbots that were produced at random.

Our major goal is to establish a community comprised of

NFT fans, investors, and those that are interested in NFTs

Specifications for the project:

- Total available supply: 9,999

- Mint Price: To Be Determined

- Whitelist Mint Date: To Be Determined

- Trait Count: 100 or More Attributes

- A 5% fee is levied on secondary market transactions.

The Origins of Foodbots:

Researchers on Foddietown's university campus were excited about creating the first kitchen robot capable of producing cryptomatter food, but it all went wrong when robots, cryptomatter, and doughnuts collided. A little creature with scuba diving gear for a head and doughnuts for a brain arose as a result of a quantum explosion. The very first FoodBot has been created.

FoodBots can only consume the food that generated them; if they eat anything else, they vomit it up and a new FoodBot with a brain from the vomited food develops.

They have no legs, arms, or tails, and they acquire the components in their surroundings in order to resemble people.


A breeding mechanism, the ability to make your own FoodBot with babies, the release of the VX FoodBot Sandbox, and the introduction of the Foodiestown map are some of the things we have in store.

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