Sep 06, 2022 - Sep 13, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Rebel Gyaku Project, or Gyaku ้€†, is dedicated to bringing together individuals who desire respect and equality. Our team is comprised of a group of independent and powerful women who are committed to promoting the concept of justice and fairness. The Gyaku ้€† NFT project tells the story of the Rebels of Metaverse, who exist outside the mainstream Metaverse worlds, and seeks to unite those who share a commitment to being heard and respected. Through the NFT platform, we aim to promote the independence and strength of women and their ability to fight for the universal values that they hold dear.


Explanation of the Key Terms


Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs have revolutionized the world of digital art and collectibles. These unique digital assets have proven to be a game-changer for creators and collectors alike. With the help of blockchain technology, NFTs provide a transparent and secure way to verify the ownership and authenticity of digital art and collectibles.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

RiseAngle NFT Calendar is your one-stop-shop for all upcoming NFT projects. Our platform provides detailed information on NFT mint schedules across various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, ADA, and Solana, ensuring that you're always up-to-date with the latest NFT drops.

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