This is a collection of 10,101 distinct artworks that retraces our roots and addresses the question of our identity.
People of all races and ethnicities must band together in order to improve the quality of life for the current generation as well as future generations. HUMANBOTS took to the streets to demand fairness and equality for everyone.
How do Humanbots compare to each other?
It is an example of our unsuitable nature, it is the embodiment of contemporary social issues. People's greatest issues are racism and inequality. Because of these issues, the rest cannot be resolved. When we look at this NFT, we notice a hybrid of human and robot characteristics. When someone bullies another due to their ethnicity or skin color, that person has no soul and is only a machine rather than a human being. This work of art warns us that if we don't wake up and smell the coffee, we shall all be reduced to mindless machines.
HUMANBOTS are a cross-cultural blend of traits. If you're wondering what the purpose of this is, you're not alone. According to studies, many individuals are surprised to learn that they are descended from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Because of this, the juxtaposition of disparate elements in one piece of art serves as a reminder that our similarities should lead to our unity and we should treat each other with respect.
As part of a larger ecosystem, we'll be launching three socially-oriented initiatives that will bring people together. This is only the beginning of a vast community that will grow out of this. Having just one membership will let you do a lot of different things, like win some of the most extravagant prizes ever given and donate to a huge charity fund.