Mar 31, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

It's possible you're questioning what the point of this endeavor is.

There are 3,000 NFTs in the Lazytoons library! Each Lazytoon is an Ethereum blockchain token that is both unique and non-fungible! The Lazytoons have hundreds of mind-boggling physical, hair, clothing, and accessory features. The only one like yours that exists!

It is our goal to cultivate the craziest community and a sense of belonging and connection with the Lazytoons brand, therefore we've added a lot of useful tools to our tiny and exclusive collection! We'd want to provide our members access to some perks that aren't available to everyone else.

- In the future, Lazytoons holders will be able to get their hands on new clothes and goods from our own label. There's little question that our outfits will be in high demand!

- You, the community, will be able to select what our next important moves should be as soon as all 3,000 NFTs are coined.

- Get a chance to win and win a lot more!

- Come along on the ride with us and the Lazytoons!

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