Nov 21, 2022 - Nov 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

MetaCityGame is a cutting-edge play-to-earn game set to launch on its mint date. This game is a DEFI world of gaming, earning, and collecting, featuring real cities and iconic buildings. Within the game, players will experience an in-game ecosystem where city-zens work and stake, city-rats steal, and owners tax, but everyone has the opportunity to earn. This game combines our reality with a fictional financial system, creating a unique and exciting world that players will love to explore. In MetaCityGame, there is an endless war between liberals and capitalists, and players must develop specific qualities to help them survive and thrive in the Metacity financial market. This project will have a liquidity pool from day one, making it one of the first NFT projects to offer real value to the coin since launch day. Join us in MetaCityGame and experience the excitement of the future of gaming!


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets that use blockchain technology to verify their ownership and authenticity. They represent a wide range of items, including digital art, music, videos, and virtual real estate. NFTs have disrupted the traditional art world, providing creators with new ways to monetize their work and collectors with new investment opportunities.


Play-to-earn is a concept that is closely tied to the DEFI (decentralized finance) movement. DEFI aims to decentralize traditional financial systems, and play-to-earn is seen as a way to achieve this by allowing players to earn cryptocurrency without relying on centralized financial institutions. As such, DEFI and play-to-earn are becoming increasingly intertwined, with more and more play-to-earn games being developed on DEFI platforms.


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) refers to a financial system that operates independently of centralized authorities, using blockchain technology to create a permissionless and transparent financial ecosystem. It enables individuals to have complete control over their finances, allowing them to earn interest, trade, borrow, and lend money without intermediaries such as banks. DeFi's primary objective is to democratize finance by providing users with access to financial products and services previously inaccessible to them due to geographic or socioeconomic restrictions. DeFi also seeks to eliminate the need for traditional financial intermediaries, which often come with high fees, slow transaction times, and limited accessibility. As a result, DeFi has become one of the most popular use cases for blockchain technology, with a rapidly growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (DApps) built on various blockchain networks.


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