Apr 17, 2022 - Apr 24, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum


In Ethereum (ETH), there is a private gathering of 500 soaring clouds.

Future investors' projects

The details of the project

Collection of NFTs for personal use. (THE WHITELIST METHOD WAS APPLIED)

The technique of the wave system is as follows: we will launch five waves, each lasting two months, with a limited period of time to acquire our unique NFTs. All first-season NFT purchasers will be given the option to upgrade to our limited-edition second-season NFTs, of which there will be no more than 100 pieces. As a result, we hope to build a gallery that provides our customers with a sense of security and exclusivity.


This is Metacloud's roadmap (v1)

February 25, 2022: the whitelist technique will begin.

February 30, 2022: Start working with other artists.

March 1, 2022: Finish our official website by this date.

March 9, 2022: Begin marketing and freebies.

March 15, 2022: SEASON 2 Sneak Peek.

October 4, 2022: Release of our S1 NFTs initial wave. (5 WAVES AND EACH ONE 100 NFTs)

April 15, 2022: WHEN ARE THEY COMING?

TBA Season 1 of MetaClouds is completely sold out! To begin the second season (special collection for holders)

TBA The third season? To be released shortly.


To ensure investors’ profit and floor, each wave will have a distinct price.

First wave: 1 - 100 = 0.007

Second wave: 101 - 200 = 0.009

Third Wave: 201 - 300 = 0.01

Fourth Wave: 301 - 400=  0.05

Fifth Wave: 401 - 500 = 0.1

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