Metakraft Makers
Metakraft Makers
Jul 01, 2023 - Jul 07, 2023
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Metakraft is an AI-powered nocode platform that enables anyone to create, connect, and explore metaverses on the web. We provide a nocode interface to create metaverses and monetize them. With the Early Adopter NFTs collection, you are eligible for


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, the trailblazing Non-Fungible Tokens, have set a new standard for digital ownership, unleashing a paradigm shift in the world of art, gaming, and beyond. These indivisible tokens, powered by blockchain technology, imbue each digital asset with unparalleled uniqueness and provable authenticity. NFTs have empowered artists to break free from traditional barriers, enabling them to showcase their creativity and monetize their creations directly. Meanwhile, collectors and enthusiasts now have a gateway to explore a dynamic and diverse universe of digital collectibles, virtual real estate, and immersive metaverse experiences. As NFTs continue to gain momentum, they are not merely a trend but a transformative force, revolutionizing the concept of ownership and forever altering the way we interact with digital assets in the 21st century.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Are you passionate about NFTs and eager to explore the world of digital collectibles? Look no further than RiseAngle's NFT calendar, where we curate a comprehensive list of upcoming NFT drops across multiple blockchain platforms. Stay ahead of the curve with our reliable Ethereum drops calendar, Polygon drops calendar, and ADA NFT drops. Discover exciting opportunities to expand your NFT portfolio.

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