Metaworld Maps - Project Meta-Expedition
Metaworld Maps - Project Meta-Expedition
May 01, 2022 - May 08, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Project Meta-Expedition

GIS technology is employed in the creation of each Map Parcel NFT. An NFT is a 1,000-square-mile square of satellite-captured photographs of the Earth. Each parcel on the Project Meta-Expedition map has its own unique parcel ID, which may be used to locate the parcel. The entire planet was covered by more than 500k Map Parcels. Acquiring an NFT Map Parcel on the Project Meta-Expedition map causes that parcel to be shaded out. The project prioritizes dumping and making freely available to mint the Map Parcels of various nations or continents according to community input. In each drop, there will be a restricted number of Map Parcels that cover certain geographic areas. Find it on the Meta-Expedition map and mint a Map Parcel.


Where? The Project Meta-Expedition Map Tokens are here! The Polygon network provides easy access to parcel tokens.

Map Parcels may be broken down into how many individual parcels? There are 284,664 parcels worldwide.

There may be multiple drops. Drops will be based on a variety of geographical locations, beginning with US Map Parcels.

In the event that it is, what is on it? Contest and giveaway winners are the only ones who have access to it.

Is it possible to purchase this product in advance? Pre-sale will close on April 1, 2022.

The public auction will begin on May 1, 2022.

Is this a bargain for a public sale? A transaction fee of 2 MATICs +(gas).

How does the minting process work? It is possible to produce digital currency on our website. Your handbag wouldn't be complete without MATIC.

Is there anything to gain? On the website and on Discord, there are benefits for Map Parcels.

About Metaworld Maps

Map aficionados, artists, and collectors may gather at Metaworld Maps. NFT maps are created and sold by Metaworld Maps, a company that assists other mapmakers, map developers, and GIS specialists with the creation and sale of their own maps for the Metaverse. Metaworld Maps uses maps to spread its team's love of maps over the planet.

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