Meanwhile, other "collections" out there are just messing about with easy material. We intend to introduce a new and exciting element to the globe.
When you join the Motor Culture Society, you'll be part of a group of individuals who share your passion for cars and who want to form meaningful relationships with others who share their interests. People to watch a Formula One race with, as well as socialize with at a stance or street racing event. This group represents the Motor Culture Society's membership.
Famous racecar drivers, teams, and auto communities have shown their support for our debut collection, MCS Genesis Aesthetics. It'll be connected to real-world racing cars and stance vehicles, which you can follow and show your support for. They will describe the feelings and sensations they have throughout practice and competition.
We also want to show that you can own collectibles that were made by experts in automotive design and are of the highest quality. This will bring the experience and quality of design from the auto industry to the world of cryptocurrencies.
In what ways may you get included on the whitelist?
One must be chosen among those who are already on the whitelist:
Watch out for them on our Discord, where they're trying to have real conversations and earn badges.
If you want to know more about us and what we're up to, you may follow us on social media and join our Discord server.