Pixel Pizzeria - Find Your Perfect Slice
Pixel Pizzeria - Find Your Perfect Slice
Apr 25, 2022 - May 02, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

We are introducing the Pixel Pizzeria, a new NFT art collection influenced by the artist Beeple. On the Ethereum blockchain, they are made up of 999 random ERC-1,155 NFTs. Thanks to the over 75 variables, they are all different, each with its own personality and idiosyncrasies.

The Pixel Pizzeria serves as a metaphor for the pursuit of perfection in pizza.

They are as cute as a button. Surely, we've all imagined it. The human finger, the pepperoni, and the cheese are all delicious. You can put anything you want on the pizza. Nothing is impossible in the Metaverse, not even skulls, Blunch Bars, Zombie Hands, Beauty Burgers, Legos, or Airpods. Perhaps you'd rather have a chunk of rotten cheese on it? What about a face mask with oil dripping from it? Slices of deliciousness are always close at hand. Trying to sell a slice won't cost you an arm and a leg, thanks to a 10% royalty.

NFTs, the Blockchain, and the Metaverse are like the Wild West in this Wild West World of NFTs, the Blockchain, and the Metaverse. In spite of this, pizza remains a universally beloved food, and that will never change. The Metaverse will run out of money at some point since there are only 999 of them.

If you want a slice while it's still warm, do so now.

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