I would like to develop a character, but one obstacle is that I am unable to distinguish between colors. I do not see colors properly. Because I draw each color using a color code, you will notice that the painting has other colors. However, I am unable to tell you what color I used to paint the PixelMoais because I do not remember. There are more than a thousand billion possible permutations!
Web page: https://www.pixelmoaiclub.com/
Discord : https://discord.gg/xT53VjH6Td
In addition, I created a Metaverse gallery for our organization's members. They are welcome to go to the collections of other people or show off their own. The ability to engage in conversation with your collection is the most important thing.
Here is the link to the demonstration: https://pixelmoai.github.io/PixelMoaiGallery/
2nd wave per-sale date: May 21, 2022
2nd wave per-sale price: 30 MATIC (+ gas).
Number of 2nd wave: 223
2nd wave public-sale date: May 22, 2022
2nd wave public-sale price: 50 MATIC (+ gas).