Feb 18, 2024 - Feb 24, 2024
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Samurices is a project inspired by asian food and culture and centered around fun, unique, and oh-so-yummy onigiris. A delicious world based on a collection of 7,777 hand-drawn digital collectibles and creatively cooked from a combination of over 200 traits. With your Samurices, you would be able to step into the Cookshido School, our web3 ecosystem.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, stand as the digital frontier, reshaping how we value and interact with digital assets in the modern era. With their foundation firmly rooted in blockchain technology, NFTs provide creators with a revolutionary platform to tokenize and authenticate their digital works, whether they are artworks, music, videos, or virtual collectibles. Each NFT represents a unique piece of digital content, endowed with verifiable ownership and scarcity, revolutionizing the notion of digital ownership. For creators, NFTs offer unprecedented opportunities to monetize their creations directly and establish meaningful connections with their audience. Likewise, collectors are drawn to the authenticity and rarity of NFTs, engaging in a dynamic marketplace where digital assets are bought, sold, and traded with transparency and security. Beyond the economic implications, NFTs spark conversations about the future of art, ownership, and cultural expression in the digital age, challenging traditional paradigms and unlocking new avenues for creativity and collaboration. As NFTs continue to captivate imaginations and redefine digital ecosystems, they pave the way for a more decentralized, inclusive, and innovative digital landscape.


Web3 emerges as a visionary frontier, ushering in a new era of decentralization, transparency, and empowerment on the internet. Unlike its predecessors, Web3 envisions a digital landscape where users reclaim control over their data, identities, and interactions. Built upon the principles of blockchain technology, Web3 fosters a peer-to-peer ecosystem that eliminates the need for centralized intermediaries and gatekeepers. It empowers individuals to own their digital identities and assets securely, facilitating seamless transactions and interactions across decentralized platforms and applications. Web3 represents a paradigm shift towards a more democratic and inclusive internet, where users participate in governance and value creation, and where trust is inherent in the network architecture. As Web3 continues to evolve and mature, it promises to redefine the internet as we know it, catalyzing innovation, fostering collaboration, and empowering individuals to shape the future of digital society.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Embark on your NFT journey with RiseAngle NFT Calendar, your trusted resource for tracking upcoming NFT drops and exploring new projects. Our platform offers a comprehensive NFT drop calendar, highlighting Ethereum drops, Polygon drops, ADA NFT drops, Solana NFT drops, and more. Stay informed about the latest developments in the NFT space and discover exciting opportunities to expand your digital collectibles portfolio. With our user-friendly interface and detailed NFT mint schedule, navigating the world of NFTs has never been easier.

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