Sneaky Soldiers
Sneaky Soldiers
Apr 19, 2022 - Apr 26, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The OG soldier job, available to the first 500 people who join the Discord, grants members access to special advantages from WL to Gen 2.

This is how the Sneaky Soldiers will flourish in the future!


Phase 1

Production on the Q2 video games will get underway. Early access to the game will be granted to all Genesis Collection owners.

Phase 2

In exchange for free mints, a new contingent of 1,100 warriors will be drafted and sent into combat to aid their compatriots.

Token staking and yielding will commence so that warriors may stock up on supplies to last them the duration of the conflict, such as ammunition, armor, and food. The warriors will be able to use this as an additional tool.

Phase 3

Holders can gather information on other projects and exchange them for WL through the WL marketplace during the fight.

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