Somebody Feed Momo
Somebody Feed Momo
Apr 03, 2022 - Apr 10, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Ethereum blockchain is home to Momo, a genuine exotic shorthair cat. There are 3,333 NFTs and a project to improve Momo's health care and life.

There are 333 NFTs to be released in each of the 10 stages of our launch. We promise a 10% buyback with at least a 50% profit at each stage of the process. Profits can be increased by 1,400 percent! All Momo feeders are invited to join our Discord server.


333 NFTs were released in the first drop.

A total of 3,333 NFTs were wiped out.

Each step is backed by a ten percent money-back guarantee.

Ensure a 50% profit on reselling.

A profit of up to 1,400% is possible.

Momo's snacks, medical care, and playtime are all funded by the company's income.

Momo's life should be updated constantly on Discord and Instagram.

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