The House of Adamo NFT
The House of Adamo NFT
Mar 23, 2022 - Mar 30, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

As the name implies, The House of Adamo's initial offering is the Adamo NFT. A Blockchain-based fashion house that connects the worlds of digital and physical fashion. There will be 7,777 different fashion mannequins in the collection, all dressed to the nines. Holders will be able to participate in the growing Non-Fungible Fashion community and use it as a tool for self-expression in the physical world as well as in the Metaverse.

As a start-up, The House of Adamo aspires to be more than simply a fashion label in the world of online shopping and the Internet. The home does this by giving the child a place where he or she can learn both artistic and business skills.

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