An # nftproject aimed at creating a fantastic community. Join us in the MantisVerse by picking your #Mantiscard on Solsea.
When portals open to other worlds, the Mantisverse is the first one where different kinds of mantis appear.
On June 18th, it will be available.
Keep that in mind!
Road Map
Phase 1
The MantisVerse, which has 197 NFTs, is the starting point for this universe.
Phase 2
Create a social media presence, form relationships, and give away NFTs to the first 1,000 people who follow you.
Phase 3-Minting
The collection of NFTs begins on Solsea, June 18th.
Phase 4-40%
Some cards' prices rise when 40% of them have been sold.
Phase 5-70%
Once 70% of MantisVerse has been sold, 10% of the proceeds will be donated to the charity of our community's choice.
Phase 6
The real-life events commence after the MantisVerse is sold out.
Phase 7
Our community offers several advantages, which you may learn about by visiting our website,