"The Pooptatoz" is a series of 5,000 unique PFPs featuring animated poop characters. The backstory of these characters is rooted in a fictional metaverse, where the island of Gooch has fallen and its inhabitants, the CryptoDickbutts, have been forced to flee. Left behind are piles of their poop, which over time come to life and dance on a newly-formed island known as Poopland. The Pooptatoz NFTs embody this quirky and creative concept, offering a fun and lighthearted addition to the NFT space.
Explanation of the Key Terms
NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are digital assets that have exploded in popularity in recent years. They are unique, indivisible, and stored on a blockchain network, making them tamper-proof and verifiable. NFTs are often used to represent art, music, videos, and other types of digital media.
PFPs or profile picture NFTs are digital art pieces that represent a unique profile picture. PFPs have become increasingly popular in the NFT space, with some selling for millions of dollars. PFPs are stored and traded on the blockchain, making them transparent and tamper-proof.
RiseAngle NFT Calendar
Looking for a reliable source of information on upcoming NFT drops? RiseAngle NFT Calendar is the answer. Our NFT drop calendar includes information on NFT mint schedules across various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, ADA, and Solana. Stay informed and never miss an NFT mint schedule again with our comprehensive NFT calendar.