The Spicy Faces
The Spicy Faces
Apr 29, 2022 - May 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

OpenSea's 400 racy faces, eight of which hold the rarest species are included in this collection.

There's a lot of life and color in Spicy Faces! clever, cunning, witty...There are a lot of interesting things on the spicy faces, like hats, glasses, hair, body piercings, headphones, and backdrops. All of these things can be used in future projects.

Creative Directors/Art Directors/Graphic Designers/Animators/2D and 3D Modelers/Illustrators/3D Modelers/Strategists are all represented in this initial collection.

One of its main goals is to help fund initiatives for the preservation of human values, inspired by the fact that human values are in decline on an almost daily basis. There will be a focus on the many different sorts of values that need to be saved (such as those related to human dignity, religious faith, morality, and family) in order to bring people together and help them accomplish their own personal growth while also helping the entire community prosper.



Artists with a wealth of expertise were hired to make stunning NFTs just for you. In order to ensure investors' profit and floor, each tier will have distinct pricing.

At each level, there are NFTs with high-end rarities that may be found for the same price.

In addition to making you famous, each of these NFTs will donate to a good cause.

These filthy faces erupt in your heart, even if they're not Crypto Punk or Bored Ape.

The NFTs collection will greatly benefit from this new feature.

Prices 1 - 100 = 0.007

Prices 101 – 200 = 0.01

Prices 201 - 300 = 0.03

Prices 301 - 400 = 0.05


At the end of the first stage, 3 random NFTs with a minimum of fifty followers were chosen at random for giveaways.

A minimum of 60 followers is required to win one of the 4 NFTs that will be given away at the end of the second stage.

There will be a total of 5 NFTs with a minimum of 80 followers chosen at random for giveaways.

At the conclusion of the fourth stage, a random selection of 6 NFTs with a minimum of 100 followers will be chosen for giveaways.


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