Apr 21, 2022 - Apr 28, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Faces, hair, heads, bodies, backdrops, and effects make up nearly two hundred interesting qualities in UoU NFTs' makeup. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain are unique to each UoU.

In order for the animals on a faraway planet to have a feeling of pleasure via this project, they must be observed through a specified device, gather "impressions" of this world, merge these "impressions" into a record and create a link. The key to upgrading is a sense of contentment.

From a distance of 8,500 light-years, Uo hails from the U planet. Uo is perhaps in the vicinity of 200-250 years old (the general life span is about 3,500). He's still in kindergarten, but he's bright, interested, and skilled at...

The ocean, trees, people, and structures were all visible to Uo as he made his way around the globe. By rearranging the observed resources into 8,500 NFTs, Uo hopes to provide spiritual and material fulfillment as well as wealth freedom to the people he has come into contact with. The project is referred to as UoU, or a collection value, etc.

If you're reading this, you're not like everyone else.

They created the fabled DAO from the UoU perspective. LFG

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