Without Retina Cones
Without Retina Cones
May 02, 2022 - May 09, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Photographer Herbert Mazzanti collaborated on WITHOUT RETINA CONES. It depicts nature as it might seem to a non-color-sensitive animal (bulls, rats, horses, etc.). The 122 photographs were taken in various locations, including Canada, the United States, and Europe. Many years of travel throughout the world have culminated in these images.

Years ago, while watching a program about the visions of various animals, an idea was sparked. Considering how fortunate we are to be able to see in three dimensions and in full color, I began to wonder how other life forms might see the world. It's clear from the collection's final images that nature can still be breathtaking, even if it's black and white.

To keep your eyes from becoming accustomed to just seeing black-and-white photographs, there are some that are also presented in their original color. Do this often if you notice that your vision is becoming too grey.

The OpenSea marketplace has the collection, which is stored on the Ethereum blockchain. You can check for it again on Tuesday, May 2nd at 1 p.m. (UTC, GMT+0). At this point, the starting price is 0.05 ETH.

Please take a moment to ponder nature, animals and the beauty that can be found in all forms of life. I hope you like the collection. It's a good time.

Without retina cones, we're preparing another collection based on Morocco and India with free NFTs to present to the first person to buy an item from the WITHOUT RETINA CONES collection. Future collections may include more topics, but for the time being, they are only ideas.

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