May 31, 2022 - Jun 07, 2022
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Follow the steps at https://yachtland.xyz/access-list to enter the Yachtland whitelist competition.

Anyone who joined our Discord might partake in the necessary chores to join the whitelist and purchase $yl at a discount. In all, there will be 1,333 whitelist places available, with each wallet able to hold a maximum of three NFTs until the public sale begins.

Not on ours. In order to remain on Yachtland, members who have been allocated a whitelist space will be given a key to do so. Yachtland.xyz/mint and mint are both available.

Because we want to be as open as possible, we've set aside 20% of all whitelist slots for freebies, collaborations, and possible future partnerships. On our Discord channel, you'll find more information.

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